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作者:Kjeldson 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/6/20 11:01:00    加入收藏
 关键字:Navigator esh巅峰对话 高血压 Kjeldson 

    International Circulation:   Is this strategy something that is global?  You are from the European society but is this something that you think is equally applicable to hypertensive patients elsewhere, Chinese patients in Asia for instance?  An early intervention strategy rather than lower being better, is this something that we can apply to Chinese patients?


    Prof. Kjeldson: I would certainly say so since there have been Chinese patients in many of these trials.  From my own case I was coordinating the VALUE trial and we had a lot of patients in China.  I think data are very applicable to patients in Asia and in China.  Also in the United States we see something similar.  We have had data from data from the ACCORD trial this winter and taking down blood pressure too much in the higher risk patients didn’t improve the prognosis but rather it was found to cause side-effects, although there was some benefit for stroke.


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