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[ESH巅峰对话]Krzysztof Narkiewicz和张维忠教授谈高危高血压患者降压目标和治疗方案

作者:K.Narkiewicz|张维忠 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/6/21 19:40:00    加入收藏
 关键字:navigator esh巅峰对话 高血压 

    International Circulation: Professor Narkiewicz, you are the president of this year’s congress, being the 20th anniversary, which is a very important achievement for the field of hypertension in Europe. I’m sure there have been many changes over these past 20 years.I’d like to know your feelings on this year’s meeting.What is the biggest difference from previous meetings? What are some of the key sessions or highlights of this year’s meeting?

   《国际循环》:Krzysztof Narkiewicz教授,您是本届ESH年会主席。2010年恰逢ESH举办20周年,这是欧洲高血压领域的重要成就。毫无疑问,在过去的20年中,高血压领域有长足进展。我们很想知道,您对本届年会有哪些感想?与以往的ESH年会相比,本届大会有什么特别之处?有哪些主要议题或亮点?

   Krzysztof Narkiewicz教授: The first meetings on hypertension in Europe were actually organized 30 years ago in Milan, Italy, which were held every other year and had an attendance of around 600.As the interest and numbers continued to increase, in the 2000 we decided to organized the meeting annually, first meeting outside Milan in Getenburg in 2000. Now the meetings are still organized in Milan but every other year we go to various cities all over Europe. Now 10 years later we have seen a continued increase in attendance as well as the submission of abstracts, both of which are very high with about 6000 registrants and almost 2000 abstracts. We are quite pleased to have established cooperative relationships with various societies, including the American Society of Hypertension, European Society of Cardiology, European Association for Studies on Diabetes and Obesity. We also have some joint sessions on renal failure which is quite important for us as well. We published a document last year, the‘European Reappraisal of Hypertension Management’and some sessions are related to this document. We have several teaching activities including sessions for general practitioners to learn how to manage hypertension. We have a large number of young fellows attending the meeting and we gave almost 400 accommodation grants for fellows to come and participate in the various sessions. In many aspects this meeting is similar to what we have done in the past, we pay a lot of attention to support younger investigators, no only from Europe but also from other countries to come to the meeting. We have distinguished guests from all over the world so the meeting is not only for European but we have participation from people all over the world. This is something that we would like to continue in the years to come.

     Krzysztof Narkiewicz教授:实际上,首个欧洲高血压会议于30年前在意大利米兰召开。此后,每两年举办一次欧洲高血压会议,参会者约有600人。由于对大会的关注度和参会人数的不断增加,组委会在2000年决定将会议改为每年举办一次。同年,大会在哥德堡拉开帷幕,这是ESH年会首次落地米兰以外的城市。目前,ESH年会仍会在米兰召开。不过,每隔一年我们就会在欧洲的其他城市召开ESH年会。10年来,我们看到ESH年会的参会人数持续增加,提交的摘要数量也逐渐攀升。本届年会的注册人数达到6,000人,收到摘要近2,000篇。

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