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[GWICC2010]药物洗脱支架最新进展——Manesh Patel教授专访

作者:ManeshPatel 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/10/19 13:51:19    加入收藏
 关键字:药物洗脱支架 DES   血管内超声 IVUS PCI Manesh Patel教授  

    <International Circulation>: Do you agree with the viewpoint that implanting DES under guidance of intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) can reduce the occurrence of stent thrombosis? And is it necessary or beneficial to use IVUS routinely for DES implantation?

    Dr Patel: My view is “yes”, but it is not based on evidence. The meta-analysis of available observational data may trend towards the belief that IVUS-guided therapy helps but there has not been a large randomized study to show routine implantation versus IVUS-guided implantation to prove the point. I suspect IVUS is a marker for the thoroughness of the procedure - so if you care enough to put IVUS down, if you care enough to look, care enough to post-dilate, if you care enough to take an extra moment to make sure the stent is fully apposed. Some of it is the technology; some of it is the operator. But my general sense is, in our lab, we ask that IVUS is performed post-intervention to guide how well the stent is apposed.


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