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[AHA2011]心房颤动治疗研究进展——Thomas Dewland教授专访

作者:ThomasDewland 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/11/14 14:59:29    加入收藏
 关键字:ICD  CRT 可穿戴式体外除颤器 WCD Thomas Dewland 

     <International Circulation>:  Concerning WCD (wearable cardiac defibrillators), in what situations do you really feel they can be used?  Are they really a temporary solution who cannot get an implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD)?

    Prof. Thomas Dewland:  I think so.  The use of this type of device long term has been postulated in patients who have a standard indication for an ICD but don’t want one.  That is very problematic since many studies have shown that compliance with these vests is not 100%.  Patients usually where them about 16-20 hours per day, which means there is a lot of time that they are not protected.  The best use of this device is for patients in special circumstances where they don’t meet standard criteria for an ICD or are at heightened risk for an arrhythmia, and usually then only for a short period of time.  A WCD can be used to bridge them through that period of heightened risk or bridge them through until they are at a time point where they can get an ICD.

    <International Circulation>: What kind of temporary periods are we talking about?

    Prof. Thomas Dewland:  Usually on the order of months.  There is an ongoing study now using these WCD vests looking at patients immediately after myocardial infarction.  These patients, based on previous trials, should not be treated with an ICD for the first 40 days after infarct.  The question is, will treatment with the WCD provide them with protection from arrhythmic death during that short time?  In addition, some patients awaiting cardiac transplant may benefit from this device.  Some patients who have a recent drug exposure that temporarily prolongs their QT interval puts them at a higher risk and the vest may be indicated in these patients.  


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