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[WHC2011]中心血压测量方法与内皮细胞功能研究进展——Alberto Alvolio 教授专访

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/11/23 16:57:21    加入收藏
 关键字:中心血压 波形算法 内皮细胞 Alberto Alvolio 

    <International Circulation>:Why do we want to take central pressure? Why do we want such an accurate measurementof  blood pressure? Why is waveform important? 
    Prof. Alvolio :The structure of the arterial system is such that when the pulse travels it changes the wave shape. By definition, the wave shape changes and the pulse pressure increases. Especially during exercise with higher heart rates, the peak pressures that one measures arterially are actually different than the peak pressures near the heart. So if one wants to assess cardiac function in terms of peak load on the heart, it becomes problematic because it is not actually the real value. The way to obtain the real value is to have the conventional cuff measurement supplemented with a wave form where that information is contained. 

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