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[ASH2012]动态血压监测对高血压的治疗至关重要——爱尔兰都柏林St Michael医院Eoin O’Brien教授专访

作者:E.O’Brien 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2012/5/22 14:41:52    加入收藏
 关键字:高血压 杓型血压 白大衣高血压 动态血压监测 E.O’Brien 

  <International Circulation>: For patients with nondipping hypertension, what should physicians do to regulate the circadian rhythm of blood pressure in addition to treating hypertension?
  Prof. O’Brien: That’s a difficult question to answer but a good question. The situation is that patients who have a proven nondipping pattern have first to be identified and then their pressure needs to be normalized because we know that nocturnal hypertension is a very serious marker for future cardiovascular events. The evidence is not there yet but it will come in time, that by treating people with nocturnal hypertension and normalizing pressure, whether we will be doing good. But the logic is inescapable and certainly if I had nocturnal hypertension I would want my physician to be able to prescribe treatment to reduce my nighttime pressure as well as my daytime pressure. In fact, I would be more interested in my physician getting my nighttime pressure down to normal than getting my daytime pressure down to normal because the evidence is that nocturnal blood pressure is a very serious marker for future cardiovascular events.


  <International Circulation>: So is controlling the nighttime pressure going to reduce those future events?
  Prof. O’Brien: That I can’t answer. That is where we need more research but it seems to me, and I come back to the point that I made in my presentation here, you need to apply a certain amount of intuitive speculation on what the likelihood is going to be but getting the nighttime pressure down to normal is far better than not doing anything.


  <International Circulation>: What are some of the common points in the pathophysiology of nondipping hypertension?
  Prof. O’Brien: Again this is an area that has been disappointing in many respects in terms of research. We don’t quite know why patients with a nondipping pattern have that particular pattern. It seems to be rather simple in some ways that when you go to bed at night (most of us anyway), we cease activity and that is what determines the dipping or the nondipping pattern. The associations with circadian rhythms of hormonal changes are not very convincing. So a lot of work needs to be done in this area. My message would be however, let science get on with finding out how it happens and what causes it and as practicing physicians, what we need to do is acknowledge that it is a serious predictor of future cardiovascular events, so let’s get it down to normal whatever the mechanisms are.


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