<International Circulation>:What are some of the limitations and issues with the more common non-invasive tests for angina when used for women? In clinical trials, finding are made using IVUS but for the practicing clinician, what is the best approach?
Prof. Wenger: If you are trying to evaluate a woman who can exercise and who has a normal resting ECG, the plain stress test, the treadmill ECG, is the best test. If the woman has an abnormal resting ECG, you must undertake an imaging study, either echo or nuclear. If the woman can’t exercise, then you have to use an imaging study because you have to use a pharmacologic agent and that’s the issue. The challenge is that very many women can’t exercise to achieve a heart rate that is about 75% to 80% of the age-predicted maximal heart rate and that is what they have to do in order to get a good test. If they don’t exercise adequately, it is an inconclusive test.