
[ACC2012]直接PCI有利于患者长期获益——Dr Sameer Mehta专访

作者:  SameerMehta   日期:2012/3/27 15:26:24


Sameer Mehta, The University of Miami, Miami, FL USA.

  <International Circulation>: Is there one easy tip on how to achieve a more rapid door-to-balloon time?


  Dr Mehta:  We would need to break it down a little further. What would be the desired door-to-balloon time for China? Is it 90 minutes or 120 minutes which is what some Europeans are trending towards? I still believe it should be 90 minutes and maybe even less because that is exactly what you would want for your father. If I were to give you a single tip it would be to improve the ambulance system. Improving the process is much more crucial and a greater determinant in how much you are going to be able to reduce time.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:耶隶晓静

Sameer Mehta 直接PCI

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