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[ESC2009]抑制RAAS系统过程中对肾素直接抑制的优越性及作用机理--J L Zamorano Gomez教授访谈

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2009/9/10 15:22:00    加入收藏
 关键字:抑制RAAS系统 直接肾素抑制剂 倍博特 阿利吉仑 

International Circulation:  When we talk about cardio-renal protection, etc., what are some ways this can be achieved and how can we improve in that area?


Professor Zamarano:  This is really a crucial point.  Earlier in the Congress we saw that treating patients with ACE inhibitors or ARBs, or what is really new with the direct renin inhibitors, it represents a clear way to protect our patients from organ damage. 


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