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[ESC2010]心力衰竭的现代治疗——M. L.Jessup教授专访

作者:MariellL.Jessup 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/8/27 14:03:00    加入收藏
 关键字:Mariell L. Jessup 

    What is the most efficient or best way to screen out patients who are at high risk for heart failure?


    Prof. Jessup : In general physicians do understand who is at high risk. High-risk patients include patients in the hospital frequently, those with an elevated BUN and creatinine, patients with low blood pressure, or multiple comorbidities, which this session was about. Most physicians will understand those patients to be high risk but do not necessarily act on that knowledge and that is one of the problems we must solve.


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