[CIT2015] SYNTAX研究指导左主干分叉病变--意大利米兰桑拉斐尔医院Antonio Colombo教授专访

国际循环 2015/3/23 16:06:38

  International Circulation: Along with the development of PCI, unprotected LM bifurcation lesion never be the absolute contraindication, which is increasingly treated with PCI recently. And SYNTAX trial provide more choices to lower risk patients. Could you please introduce the development of LM bifurcation lesion treatment?


  Dr. Colombo : Thank you very much for this opportunity. Left main bifurcation lesions are not any more a contraindication to PCI. As you said, I think the SYNTAX study with the recently published 5 year results, supports that the outcome is quite good and very comparable to bypass surgery. The problem is not really the left main bifurcation, sometimes it is the additional triple vessel disease that needs to be completely taken care and provide a full revascularization. Total occlusion of the right coronary artery, occlusion of the anywhere else, these are issues that need to be taken care. Of course the left main bifurcation is also important, it is important to select the appropriate technique, not to be afraid to use 2 stents. Very frequently 2 stents need to be used at least 40 to 50% of the time. IVUS guidance is essential and if these guidelines are followed, the results, not only in the short term but also in the long term will be good. Finally I like to mention that the introduction of new generation drug eluting stents will further improve the effectiveness and safeyof this procedure.


  International Circulation: During the past year, many new trial data and procedures came out. For the therapy be used more appropriate, is there any statement, consensus or guideline on the agenda?


  Dr. Colombo : But the current guidelines still give a higher mark to surgery for unprotected left main but this does not mean that the PCI is inappropriate. The SYNTAX study has opened the way to give at least a level 2 in the PCI of unprotected left main bifurcation is not a contraindication, most of the time we see bifurcation which can be treated with one stent but as I said, 2 stents if properly placed, are acceptable. The problem is not really in the guidelines for left main but in the guidelines for associated extensive triple vessel disease. If you have very high SYNTAX score then the left main with a very high SYNTAX score becomes a more surgical indication rather than a PCI indication. But as I said, left main per se is an acceptable procedure with PCI with current guidelines.


