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[EuroPCR 2012]多支病变患者的危险分层——意大利Catania大学Ferrarotto医院Davide Capodanno教授专访

作者:D.Capodanno 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2012/5/28 17:41:18    加入收藏
 关键字:Davide Capodanno  CABG PCI 多支血管病变 

  International Circulation: Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) used to be the standard therapy of multivessel disease. Nowadays, PCI has made great advancement in revascularization, do you think PCI will replace CABG to be the optimal therapy for high-risk multivessel disease patients?
  Dr. Capodanno: No, to be honest, I do not because you need some major improvement in the technique of percutaneous intervention in order to say that this replace CABG. What we see now is that the advantage of CABG over PCI is definitely superior. There is no doubt about this. The only patient that you can treat is those with low ..  This means a syntho score less than 22, but for all the other patients especially those with diabetes, those who are older, the advantage of CABG over PCI is definitely superior especially in terms of survival, which of course is a matter of concern.
  We have started to see that even with second generation drug eluting stents, we do not achieve great results in diabetics …. So far I would not think that in the near future things will change dramatically, but we will need some major advances in PCI in order to think about that.
  International Circulation: Identifying the high-risk patients was the first step of choose optimal treatment strategy. How can we recognize high-risk multivessel disease patients?
  Dr. Capodanno: We now have the advantage of having many scores that you can apply to understand who are the high-risk patients. Of course not every score represents something that you have to obtain to be sure that you have to treat the patient with CABG or PCI. They are only indicative. They give you advice on who are the high risk and the low risk patients for a procedure. Scores are quite useful in helping you drive your decision and also very useful for the patient. The patient now has the right to know his risk for a procedure and in order to get an informed consent, which is truly informed, it is the right of the patient and the families to have a standardized approach to risk.
  I know that many interventionists think that the score is not quite useful. I think these scores can be helpful in decision-making, but of course they have to be scores that integrate both the clinical angiographic and functional information.

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