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[WCHD2013]脂质代谢障碍的研究现状及进展——Robert S. Rosenson教授专访

作者:R.S.Rosenson 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2013/8/13 10:59:34    加入收藏
 关键字:心肌代谢障碍 心功能不全 胰岛素抵抗 HDL-C ATP-Ⅳ指南 

  Robert S. Rosenson教授 美国Mount Sinai医学院

  <International Circulation>:Cardiometabolic disorder is one of the most important types of pathogenesis regarding cardiac dysfunction. As an expert in this field, could you please talk about what advances have been made with regard to cardiometabolic disorders? What is the clinical significance? Are there currently any effective clinical strategies for the treatment of cardiometabolic disorder? What about the main direction and future prospects in the field?

  Prof. Rosenson: The underlying pathophysiology that is responsible for current metabolic risk is insulin resistance that most often occurs from visceral adiposity, and conditions such as polycystic ovarian disease. The strategies that we use are directed toward weight loss and selection of foods that are high in soluble fibers, low in saturated fat and refined carbohydrates, and we emphasize aerobic fitness through the performance of regular, moderate to intense exercise, at a minimum of three hours per week.

  There are therapies that have been shown to prevent the progression of type 2 diabetes in people with central obesity, such as metformin. But structured weight loss programs through diet and exercise are actually superior to metformin in reducing the progression of type 2 diabetes.

  With regards to diagnostics, high triglycerides and low HDL cholesterol are important predictors of the future risk of type 2 diabetes as we showed in the women’s health study. But, approaching subclasses provides more information. Specifically, large VLDL particles, high concentrations of small particles and low concentrations of HDL particles are particularly informative about those individuals who are at highest risk for progressing onto type 2 diabetes and also having a cardiovascular event.

  Using this information, we’ve learned that DLDL cholesterol, which is not a component of cardiometabolic risk, does underrepresent the risk associated with high circulating levels of DLDL particles. So, in patients who have central obesity, metabolic syndrome, DLDL particles are triglyceride enriched and cholesterol depleted. These small DLDL particles don’t interact with the DLDL receptors as effectively as the large particles, thus they circulate in the bloodstream for a longer period of time, more likely to become oxidized or chemically modified, including glycated. That actually increases their oxidative susceptibility and role in increasing vascular inflammation. So there has been multiple expert consensus documents, from the American Diabetes Association, the American College of Cardiology, the American Academy of Clinical Chemists and the National Lipid Association that have suggested that one should evaluate lipoprotein particle concentration in people at high cardiometabolic risk, and then target therapy based on that information.







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