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 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2009/9/3 19:00:00    加入收藏
 关键字:SPC 高血压治疗 Unger 倍博特 阿利吉仑 

International Circulation:  When we talk about the period of time to reach target blood pressure, we would think that this combination would help to do that in a shorter period of time.  Would you agree with that?  Is it a shorter period of time than with mono therapy?


Professor Unger:  Yes, I think that if you combine two antihypertensive drugs which attack the problem from different directions, you can assume that there is less time necessary to lower blood pressure and the time to reach target blood pressure is shorter.  The question is rather is it necessary to lower blood pressure very quickly if one wants to go to target or do we have a little bit more time?  I would usually say that you can allow forfour to six weeks to get the patient to target.  You do not have to overdo it in terms of the speed of coming to target blood pressure.


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