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[ESC2010]房颤治疗策略——GYH Lip教授专访

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/9/7 11:52:00    加入收藏
 关键字:房颤治疗 GYH Lip 

    <International Circulation>: Could you please discuss the latest anticoagulation agents? Do they have the potential to replace warfarin in anticoagulation therapy for AF?
    Prof. Lip:That is a very important question because these are very exciting times. We have had anticoagulation therapy with the vitamin K antagonists such as warfarin for a very long time but it is inconvenient, needs monitoring, and there is a degree of what is called “disutility” with warfarin due to its limitations. We now have new anticoagulants that belong to the two broad classes – the direct thrombin inhibitors and oral factor Xa inhibitors.

    For the direct thrombin inhibitors we have stunning data from the RE-LY trial with the oral direct thrombin inhibitor dabigatran. This certainly shows that it is effective therapy, very safe, and less intracranial hemorrhage compared to warfarin. In this meeting of the ESC, we have also seen excellent data from the AVERROES trial with the oral factor Xa inhibitor apixaban in the context of treatment of patients who have either failed warfarin therapy or declined warfarin therapy. Current practice under the older guidelines is that if patients can not take warfarin they are prescribed aspirin. I think that the AVERROES trial has clearly shown that this is inferior therapy and treatment with an anticoagulant such as apixaban is probably better tolerated or as safe as giving these patients aspirin. Thus, the new ESC Guidelines published at this meeting stress that oral anticoagulation therapy is the best treatment for stroke prevention in AF. Furthermore, we should be moving away the artificial categorization to low-risk, moderate-risk, and high-risk strata and there should be much more emphasis on a risk factor-based approach to providing thromboprophylaxis for stroke prevention in AF.


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