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 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2012/7/2 17:35:52    加入收藏
 关键字:冠心病 介入 心律失常 结构性心脏病 

  本次大会将公布或讨论2012年ESC的6个新指南和指南更新:ESC/EACTS 瓣膜疾病治疗指南、ESC心力衰竭指南、ESC ST段抬高心肌梗死指南、临床实践中心血管疾病预防指南、ESC/ACCF/AHA/WHF心肌梗死联合定义第三版和ESC心房颤动管理指南更新。
  同时,对ESC2012会议的前沿医学知识感兴趣或持有疑问观点的读者,可将您的问题和观点与我们沟通,将有机会获得ESC国际著名专家亲自“答疑解惑”的机会!联系邮箱:media@icirculation.com  有效期至2012年8月10日)。ESC官网链接<http://www.escardio.org/Pages/index.aspx>
  ESC/EACTS 瓣膜疾病治疗指南
  The new ESC/EACTS Guidelines on the management of valve disease
  Sunday 26 August - 11:00-12h30 - Room Tirana, Central Village
  Provide an ’in depth’ presentation and highlight the new aspects of the?ESC Guidelines on valvular disease.
  New ESC heart failure Guidelines 2012
  Sunday 26 August - 16:30-18:00 - Room Munich, Central Village
  This session will summarise the main changes in the new ESC Guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of chronic and acute heart failure. The update will include discussion of pharmacological, device, surgical and other aspects of care, including patient monitoring, non-pharmacological/device therapy and end-of-life care
  ESC ST段抬高心肌梗死指南
  New ESC Guidelines for ST-elevation myocardial infarction
  Monday 27 August - 08:30-10:00 -Room Munich,Central Village
  Become familiar with the background and details of the new ESC STEMI Guidelines regarding emergency care, primary PCI, thrombolysis, adjunctive therapies
  The 2012 Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice
  Monday 27 August -11:00-12:30 -Room Tirana,Central Village
  As prevention is a major task for cardiologists and health workers this session aims at giving the latest scientific news on CVD Prevention in Clinical Practice as recently published in the 2012 guidelines from the Joint European Societies’ Taskforce. How do I assess and manage my patients’ CVD risk, what are the available best options in lifestyle counselling and in adding drug treatment, where and by whom and how should prevention programmes be provided These are the main the questions that will be discussed in this symposium
  Joint ESC/ACCF/AHA/WHF third universal definition of myocardial infarction
  Monday 27 August -16:30-18:00 -?Room Munich,Central Village
  - Learn the alterations to be included in the third edition of the universal definition of myocardial infarction
  - Understand the new concept of myocardial injury compared with myocardial infarction
  - Understand the differences between the various subtypes of myocardial infarction
  - Clarify the confusing state of knowledge surrounding post PCI troponin elevations
  Update of the ESC Guidelines on the management of atrial fibrillation
  Tuesday 28 August - 08:30-10:00 - Room Munich, Central Village
  - Understand the updates to the 2010 ESC Guidelines on the management of atrial fibrillation
  - Appreciate the role of new anticoagulants, left atrial occlusion/excision and risk stratification for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation
  - Realise the revised use of dronedarone for paroxysmal and persistent atrial fibrillation
  - Comprehend the use of vernakalant for pharmacological termination of recent onset atrial fibrillation


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